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Scarlett O'Hara Progress Report

Ten days away from Comic Con I'm entering the final stretch on my costume. Good news: with a lot of pinning it actually looks like a dress.

It sounds strange to say that only my skirt and bodice need finished- because that could sound like a whole costume right there. But there are so many pieces you can't see that go into the silhouette and poofiness. So here's a list of the components in this costume.

1. Chemise

2. Drawers

3. Modesty Slip

4. Socks (above the knee. Garters are on my list of things to make, but I haven't managed it yet.)

5. Shoes

6. Corset

7. Bustle Pad

8. Cage Hoop

9. Ruffled Petticoat

10. Bodice

11. Skirt

12. Belt with bow

13. Hair bows (not visible under the hat)

14. Hat

15. Gloves

16. Coral Necklace and earrings.

In the movie Scarlett also accessorized this outfit with a shawl and parasol- but I don't really want to carry those around the convention. We'll see if they get added later.

My skirt, I'm glad to say, is nearly done. I only have to finish adding the waistband over the pleated top and attach a bar hook or two.

My bodice needs the most work. I have to finish attaching the bottom binding, attach my hook and eye tape to the back (my second order of hook and eye tape arrived today, since the first proved to be giant.), attach the ruffled bertha to the top, bind the neckline and trim it with bows.

Of course, before I can attach the ruffled bertha, I have to assemble the ruffled bertha- and all I have cut out so far is the lining. So, really, I have to calculate, measure and cut out my ruffles (made more difficult by the fact that it's a tapered ruffle), hem, trim, and gather all of my ruffles, attach them to the lining, and Then attach it to the dress.

Scarlett's ruffles are trimmed with velvet ribbon that's threaded through about a thousand tiny button holes. Button holes scare me. And I'm not even sure where my button holer foot is. Doing hundreds of button holes on my very delicate and expensive silk organza may just give me nightmares. Mine may end up top sewn.

Better pictures to come when I'm not up late sewing. But for now, here's Kelle in my dress.

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