Con Costume Count
Well, it's February. There won't be a FanX this spring, which is a bummer, so the race is on for Comic Con. Which is now called FanX? Eh, I'll leave that up to the lawyers. The important part is that there will be a convention, that is not in San Diego, at the beginning of September, and I will be there. In costume. :)

In January I put together this goal board to help keep myself on track this year. Three of these costumes are things I planned in previous years, some of which have been sitting around in my project basket for over a year and haven't been finished- so I'm holding myself accountable now. Three of these costumes are for Fan X. Others are just for fun. But, these are just the costumes I'm planning for myself. My goal this year is to get all of my siblings to con, so that's four more costumes to either make myself or supervise. I'll start with those.
1. Fezzik:

This one has been in some stage of planning since I made that Buttercup dress a year or two ago. But, I think it's really going to happen this year. I have concrete plans to acquire the fabric, and I know how to make the tunic though my SCA practice. :) Also a bonus- if done right these pieces can be reworn for SCA.
Costume Pieces: Tunic, Pants, Belt, Boots, Hair.
2. Zuko:

I recently rewatched the entire series of Avatar: The Last Airbender. All in one weekend. :) So my brother may or may not have any choice in this matter. Bonus- I think I can make all of these pieces from patterns already in my stash. (My stash may or may not have doubled during the last JoAnns pattern sale.)
Costume Pieces: Shirt, Pants, Tunic, Belt, Boots, Scar, Fire/Sword?
3. Anya:

I won't be making this costume. I will be assisting McKelle in making her own costume. I'm looking forward to distressing the finished product. :)
Costume Pieces: Dress, Belt, Necklace, Leggings, Mitts, Scarf, Boots. Hat?
4. Rapunzel:

Maddi has requested a Rapunzel costume. Do you know how many different pinks and purples are in a Rapunzel costume? Because the answer is a lot. I've ordered this custom printed fabric for the corset and the front panel of the skirt. Now that they've come I can start acquiring the other pieces- if I can find shades that coordinate.
Costume Pieces: Undershirt, Corset, Skirt, Petticoat, Pascal, Hair
5. Endor Leia

This is a costume that made me say "I could totally make that" while watching, so I pulled some fabric out of my stash and started making the poncho. I still need to dye it. I think this will be a good shopping day costume- I always have to plan for one costume small enough to fit into booths. As for the outfit that goes underneath the poncho- that's lower priority, but I might get around to them if the mood strikes. :)
Costume pieces: Poncho, Pants, Boots, Belt, Blaster with holster, shirt, vest.
6. Jane Porter:

What makes a Jane costume are the accessories. There's something about the juxtaposition of Jane, arriving in the jungle juggling all the trappings of Victorian life, and Tarzan, in a loincloth, that I find funny. But, at the same time, I don't actually want to be juggling all of her accessories all day at con, so there's a balance there. Also, I got these boots for my Steampunk Belle, and I couldn't resist an excuse to wear them again. :) And I may be able to reuse some other pieces, depending on how well they work.
Costume Pieces: Bodice, Collar, Tie, Underskirt, Overskirt, Belt, Combination, Corset, Bustle, Petticoat, Gloves, Hat, Boots, Sketchbook, Parasol, Baboon.
I've acquired a hat. I will be making some modifications to it. Also up for altering:

I'll be sure to post progress. :)
7. Vanessa

This is the costume I'm most afraid of. I mean, it doesn't seem that challenging. Skirt, bodice, necklace. But I really want to push myself this year, which means I want my dress to do this:

I mean, I can see she transforms out of the wedding dress, not the purple dress, but I like the purple dress better anyway. Also, I haven't quite figured out just how to do this yet. I have some ideas in my head, but I will have to play with them to see if they would actually work anything like what I'm picturing. And, it would involve some electricity, a new area for me. But hey, I can do hard things. So, goals. And I'm looking forward to cosplaying a villain. That will be a new experience for me.
So there are my seven costumes of comic con. We'll see how many actually make it to the floor, or, hopefully, the stage. :)