SLCC16 Cosplay Contest

It's finally Comic Con time! I entered my Scarlett dress in the Cosplay Contest (Novice Division), my first time doing something like this. There was a lot of waiting in line involved, and a spot of drama in the middle there (program bug), but I made it through prejudging into the stage round with the top 15. (They liked my petticoat- one of the judges is a part time historical re-enactor, and asked about my research.)

Which means I got to go out on stage in the grand ballroom in front of a panel of celebrity judges and everybody else. For a minute. By myself. With nothing to say. Just a stage to fill.

I tried to do the dramatic hat turn- difficult when you can't tell where the moving boom camera is. (Yes, thanks Gone With the Wind for the boom camera.) I think I got in a spin and tried to do my best southern belle while not falling on my face.

I've been watching for a video of myself so I can get some concrit, because I definitely plan to be back next year. I got my scores back from the judges, but not a ranking for something to compare it to. The prejudging panel said to pay attention to detail, and clearly my stage performance needs improvement. But, overall it was a lot of fun, I met a nice group of costumers, and hey, I made the finals! :)