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A Very Potter Petticoat

The first step to building a period silhouette is foundation garments. This means petticoats, and lots of them. This is the first petticoat I made for my early bustle Belle dress.

I used this pattern from Truly Victorian, and made View 1: Early Bustle.

My sister found the Harry Potter fabric at Joann's and insisted I make something from it. How could I refuse?

If you stare at this fabric long enough (for example, while ironing several yards of it), you realize that all of the faces are the same. There are two different images of the golden trio, yet Ron is always in the same pose, Hermione is always a disembodied head, and Harry has the same face while his body changes from crouched to wand brandishing. Just so you know.

Here are all of the pieces of my petticoat, base of the left, flounce on the right.

And here is the half assembled petticoat worn over my bustle.

I added a black waistband and some ribbon trim, and then my petticoat sat around for months while I stopped buying fabric and went on vacation to Europe. :) But I finally got around to ordering in some black organdy for the ruffle.

And after about 50 billion pins, my petticoat was done. :)

And entirely too wide for the mirror I had available. Oops. :)

You can see here how the bottom part curves more- all that extra fabric to fit over the bustle.


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