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Petticoat Junction

As you may remember (if you stalk me compulsively and have a photographic memory) Last summer I found this petticoat hanging on a wall in a bathroom in Seattle.

To be fair, it was a museum/gift shop bathroom, so I think that makes it a little less random. :)

But anyway, I decided to use this as the inspiration for a petticoat of my own.

I found this vintage lace trim on ebay, and found some flowery insertion lace as well.

Again using Truly Victorian TV170 I added these to some organdy to make an early bustle era petticoat. This time I used the option for the tucked flounce, though I added a few more than the pattern to make up for the extra inches I gained by inserting lace.

Because my antique lace was quite a bit off white compared to by pure white new organdy, I also added an ivory waistband to help tie it all together. (Literally, haha.)

And this is why we use organdy for petticoats. Thin enough to be transparent, stiff enough to stand up by itself.

It also makes an easy kitty tent. Yes, he's in there. :) Silly kitty.

Anyway, voila. :)


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